4 min readJun 25, 2019

Millennial’s dating struggles

Everyone has a high school love story that they think is gonna last forever and for some people it actually does, but of course that wasn’t my ending. It was the end of innocent relationships and beginning of shallow dating.

As a millennial, of course i chose online dating sites rather than primitive method of first meeting people. Here’s my experience with tinder and it’s not half bad:

The first date i ever had through tinder was not with the guy i matched with but one of his best friend’s and no,it’s not as weird as it sounds. The reason i didn’t go out with the guy i matched with because he was just getting over his breakup and i didn’t want to be someone’s rebound so he introduced me to his friend who turned out to be sweet and committed kinda guy unlike most of the men out there. He was polar opposite of me and so it was somewhat a perfect balance and i was happy but obviously what are the odds of hitting a six on first ball of your life? He got too attached too fast and fell in love and was already writing an epilogue when i was on the first chapter.

The second ball was a four based on the experience it led to. The first date was a three hour long drive in Ahmedabad city during late evening with almost perfect weather and a very fun and nice guy. But that’s not the experience i’m talking about, it all started when he dropped me off near airport around 12:45 am and from there i was supposed to drive back home but no later that 45 seconds a police car came behind me and started asking me questions about what i do,where i live,what was i doing out and if my parents knew i was out, luckily i didn’t get in much trouble. As i started walking forward after answering their questions i get a call from him saying i need to come back as they have taken his license, turns out they were threatning him with false accusations for being out with a under 21 girl when he is 21(24 originally) and i got frozen with fear and seeing my pale face he asked me to go home and he’ll handle everything, obviously i wasn’t gonna leave him alone but as i was forced to leave i called him as soon as i reached home. Upon reaching home i was shocked to know that he had to pay 6k to get out, but what was more shocking was he had 50k in cash in a bag backseat and condoms in a dashboard under steering wheel which could’ve been enough to take us both for questioning but luckily his car wasn’t searched. (No we didn’t have a second date, the first cost him 6k in addition to a trip from Baroda to Ahmedabad.)

The third ball was an absolute six even though we’re not together anymore. I have been talking to this guy for two weeks and the conversations were pleasant but the issue was distance considering he lived in Mumbai. So instead of going to Goa for my solo trip as i planned, i went to Mumbai. Yes i did travel 500 kms for someone i’ve never met and no i don’t think it’s crazy. Until he got free, i took myself out to date and i was very self aware of my presence and thoughts and i met this lovely and successful middle aged but young looking for her age woman who was a delightful company till it was time for my date. Our first date was at 10pm and he came to pick me up from where i was staying and one glance at him and i was instantly relaxed in a city unknown, somehow his presence made me feel safe. Besides feeling safe, there was this consciousness of having a high school crush all over again. We ate and got to know eachother more and after that we just started walking side by side holding hands for what felt like forever until we reached this beautiful dark lake and thought to sit there for a moment and ended up talking till 2am. It was being a part of fairytale romantic movie. I stayed with him for the next two days, we ate together every meal, shopped together and watched romantic sappy movie “Fault in our stars” to which he cried which was so adorable that i laughed. It was my last night at his place and we both were trying to ignore the fact that i was leaving in few hours and savouring every moment spent together, he hugged me from behind as i fell asleep overlooking the city. Before i knew it, it was time to leave and as i was sitting at this window seat in train the thought of never waking up next to him struck my head and few tears fell out my eyes as his figure got far and farther away from me…..


Just an Indian girl trying to find her way in the world.